Class Location Course Code Course Name Semester
Onsite SURV740 Fundamentals of Inference Fall
Onsite SURV410 Introduction to Probability Theory Fall
Onsite SURV699G Special Topics in Survey Methodology: Envisioning the Survey Interview of the Future Fall
Onsite SURV699W Synthetic Population Fall
Onsite SURV699J Advanced Topics in Cognition and Survey Research Fall
Onsite SURV722 Research Design: Casual Inference from Randomized and Observational Data Fall
Onsite SURV699K Multi-Analysis of Survey Data Fall
Onsite SURV615 Statistical Modeling I Fall
Onsite SURV699L Statistical Matching, Record Linkage and Disclosure Avoidance Fall
Onsite SURV744 Topics in Survey Methodology Fall
Onsite SURV699N Special Topics in Survey Methodology: Statistical Methods for Analysis of Complex Samples in Public Health Fall
Onsite SURV699P Attitudes and Public Opinion Fall
Onsite SURV789Z Bayesian Modeling and Inference Fall
Onsite SURV699Q Special Topics in Survey Methodology: Prediction Approach to Sampling Theory Fall
Onsite SURV632 Cognition, Communication and Survey Measurement Fall
Onsite SURV699R SURV699R-Special Topics in Survey Methodology: Redesigning Gallup Pre-election Polling Fall
Onsite SURV829 Doctoral Research Seminar in Survey Methodology Fall
Onsite SURV650 Economic Measurement Fall
Onsite SURV699T Special Topics in Survey Methodology: Social and Economic Data Fall
Onsite SURV617 Applications of Statistical Modeling Fall
Onsite SURV662 An Introduction to Small Area Estimation Fall
Onsite SURV699U Big Data for Federal Agencies: Lab Fall
Onsite SURV672 Introduction to the Federal Statistical System and to the Survey Research Profession Fall
Onsite SURV699V Seminar in Public Opinion Fall
Onsite SURV6990 Nonresponse Indicators in Responsive Design Surveys Fall