The Joint Program in Survey Methodology is proud to have faculty recognized for excellence as the recipients of many prestigious awards.
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Members
Founded in 1780, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences honors excellence and convenes leaders from every field of human endeavor to examine new ideas, address issues of importance to the nation and the world, and work together “to cultivate every art and science which may tend to advance the interest, honor, dignity, and happiness of a free, independent, and virtuous people.”
- 2020 Katharine Abraham
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows
The AAAS Council annually elects members whose “efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.
- 2016 Stanley Presser
American Statistical Association (ASA) Fellows
Nominated by their peers, ASA Fellows are members of established reputation who have made outstanding contributions in some aspect of statistical work. Given annually, this is a great honor, as the number of recipients is limited to no more than one-third of 1% of the ASA membership, which exceeds 19,000.
- 2021 Yan Li
- 2014 Frauke Kreuter
- 2004 Partha Lahiri
- 2003 Katharine Abraham
- 1994 Stanley Presser
AAPOR Award for exceptionally distinguished achievement
- 2011 Stanley Presser
AAPOR Book Award seeks to recognize influential books that have stimulated theoretical and scientific research in public opinion; and/or influenced our understanding or application of survey research methodology.
- 2020 Frauke Kreuter
AAPOR Policy Impact Award was developed to recognize research that has had a demonstrable impact on policy. The award is given to outstanding research projects, data, or data products that had a clear impact on policy decisions or public discussion of policies.
- 2022 CTIS team led by Frauke Kreuter
Warren J. Mitofsky Innovators Award recognizes accomplishments in the fields of public opinion and survey research that occurred in the past ten years or that had their primary impact on the field during the past decade. The innovations could consist of new theories, ideas, applications, methodologies, or technologies. To be considered for the award, innovations must be publicly documented. The award can be given to individuals, groups, or institutions.
- 2022 CTIS team led by Frauke Kreuter
- 2020 Frauke Kreuter
Distinguished University Professors
Distinguished University Professor is the highest honor the University of Maryland bestows on a faculty member for their contributions to their field of research. and is a title that is reserved for a very small select group of distinguished scholars.
- 2021 Katharine Abraham
- 2012 Stanley Presser
Distinguished Fellow of the American Economic Association
The Award of Distinguished Fellow was instituted in 1965. Past Presidents of the Association and Walker Medalists shall be Distinguished Fellows. Additional Distinguished Fellows may be elected, but not more than four in any one calendar year from economists of high distinction in the United States and Canada.
- 2020 Katharine Abraham
Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) Fellows
Nominated by their peers, IMS Fellows are members of established reputation who have made outstanding contributions contribution to the development, dissemination, and application of Mathematical Statistics. Given annually, this is a great honor, as the number of recipients is limited to about 10% of over 3,500 members.
- 2007 Partha Lahiri
Morris Hansen Lecture
The Morris Hansen Lecture series was established by the Washington Statistical Society (WSS) in 1990 with a financial grant from Westat, Inc. It was set up to honor Morris Hansen, whose pioneering contributions to survey sampling and related statistical methods during his long and distinguished career at the Census Bureau and at Westat established many standards and methods, mostly still in use, for the conduct of surveys. The usual format of Morris Hansen Lecture is to have a primary speaker of outstanding merit cover an important topic of wide interest, and two discussants, one local.
- 2022 (29th Annual) Yan Li
National Academy of Sciences Members
Members are elected to the National Academy of Sciences in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. Membership is a widely accepted mark of excellence in science and is considered one of the highest honors that a scientist can receive.
- 2022 Katharine Abraham
Neyman Medal
Established in 2012 on the 100th anniversary of the Polish Statistical Association, the Neyman medal is awarded for outstanding contributions to the development of statistical sciences. The award was established in honor of Jerzy Neyman, the most outstanding statistician of Polish origin and one of the pioneers of modern statistics.
- 2022 Partha Lahiri
Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award, American Sociological Association’s Methodology Section
This award, recognizing sociologists who have contributed to the field of sociological methodology, was founded in 1986 in honor of Paul F. Lazarsfeld.
- 2012 Stanley Presser
Philip E. Converse Award
This award is given for outstanding book published at least 5 years before in American Political Science Association’s Elections, Public Opinion and Voting Section.
- 2005 Stanley Presser (with H. Schuman)
Small Area Estimation (SAE) Award
SAE Award is in recognition of an individual who has made outstanding contribution to the research, application, and education of small area estimation (SAE). The selection of the winner is worldwide and given at most one per year.
- 2020 Partha Lahiri