This program is designed for professional staff who feel the need to learn current principles and practices of complex surveys but do not have the time to devote to graduate level courses of the certificate program. The program assumes no previous formal training in survey methodology.

The two JPSM/ AAPOR Citations Program (JPSM/ AAPOR Citation in Survey Methodology and a JPSM/ AAPOR Citation in Data Analytics for Social Science) consists of  an online 2-day course (Introduction to Survey and Data Science) with approximately 12 hours of recorded lectures that could be viewed at the participant's convenience, 4 required  JPSM short courses, and an additional elective of either an AAPOR short course offered during the AAPOR Annual Conference or one of the AAPOR Webinar Kits. The courses included in each citation programs are as follows: 


Citation in Survey Methodology

  1. Introduction to Survey and Data Science (online asynchronous short course offered by JPSM)
  2. Introduction to Survey Sampling (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM)
  3. Introduction to Survey Estimation (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM)
  4. Writing Questions for Surveys (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM)
  5. AAPOR Elective

a. One of the yearly offerings of virtual and/or onsite short courses offered by AAPOR, Or

b. Four AAPOR webinar recordings, selected from the following categories.

  • Survey Research 101
  • Mixed Mode Surveys 101
  • Sampling and Weighting
  • Telephone Surveys
  • Questionnaire Design and Testing
  • Election Polling vii. Data Collection: Special Populations


Citation in Data Analytics for Social Science

  1. Introduction to Survey and Data Science (online asynchronous short course offered by JPSM)
  2. Introduction to Machine Learning and Big Data (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM)
  3. Synthetic Data: Balancing Data Confidentiality and Quality in Public Use Files (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM)
  4. Data Linkage OR Small Area Estimation (online 12-hour short course offered by JPSM) (Courses alternate every other year)
  5. AAPOR Elective

a. One of the yearly offerings of virtual and/or onsite short courses offered by AAPOR, Or

b. Four AAPOR webinar recordings, selected from the following categories 

  • Skills and Techniques Using R
  • Mobile Data Collection and New Technology
  • Big Data and Surveys
  • Using Social Media Data
  • Total Error Meets Big Data



JPSM and AAPOR Short Courses taken after January 2022 are eligible for credit towards the AAPOR/JPSM Citation Program.


Introduction to Survey and Data Science (online asynchronous short course offered by JPSM) rate is $400 for AAPOR Member and Non-Members.

JPSM Short Courses flat rate is $700. 

AAPOR Members
JPSM Short Courses discounted rate is $600

AAPOR members who would like to register for any of the JPSM short courses leading to a Citation and would like to receive the discounted price of $600.00, please include the  AAPOR Member ID on the AAPOR/JPSM Citation registration form, this information will be sent to AAPOR, once the membership is confirmed by AAPOR, a payment link with the discounted price will be sent back for registration.

Payment for JPSM short courses is made on a per-course basis, not as a lump sum for multiple courses. Participants pay for each course they choose to attend at their own pace. See below for an estimated cost for this program.


NOTE: More than one webinar recording can be purchased simultaneously at the following discounts: 10% discount for two webinars; 15% for 3 webinars; 20% for four webinars; 25% for five webinars; and 30% for six webinars. Pricing is current for 2024 but is subject to change for future years.




To register for the JPSM/APPOR Citation Program, please fill up this form.

Registration to this program is available all year round. 

For information about how to register for the AAPOR short courses or webinar recordings, please contact Lailah Johnson at ljohnson [at] aapor [dot] org.



After completing the AAPOR-JPSM courses, the corresponding form below need to be filled out and submitted to JPSM for review along with proof (certificates if applicable) that all of the courses/webinars were completed. Once the form is approved, the student will receive a Citation Certificate.

Please send the form via email to: jpsm-shortcourse [at] umd [dot] edu, subject line: Last Name/AAPOR/JPSM Citation.