Multiple Imputation

Fall 2024



Be comfortable with generalized linear models and basic probability theory through coursework or work experience. AND Familiar with the statistical software R. AND Must have completed Surv 725 Item Nonresponse and Imputation or be familiar with content.


This course will provide a detailed introduction to multiple imputation, a convenient strategy for dealing with (item) nonresponse in surveys. We will motivate the concept and illustrate why multiple imputation should generally be preferred over single imputation methods. The main focus of the course will be on strategies to generate (multiple) imputations and how to deal with common problems when applying the methods for large scale surveys. We will also discuss various options for assessing the quality of the imputations. All concepts will be demonstrated using software illustrations in R. 

Meets November 8, 2023 - November 29, 2023.
Weekly online meetings held on Wednesdays from 11:00am- 12:00pm EST.