DeMatteis, Jill

Associate Research Professor, Westat

In addition to her position on the faculty of the JPSM, Jill Montaquila is an Associate Director of the Statistical Staff and a senior statistician at Westat. Her experience in survey statistics includes sample design and selection, imputation, and weighting and estimation for numerous surveys. Jill has undertaken methodological research to evaluate nonresponse bias, noncoverage bias, and measurement error; to assess the effects of different incentives offered to survey participants; and to compare different treatments for samples selected using address based sampling. Her current research interests include address based sampling and time-and-venue based sampling. Jill is a fellow of the American Statistical Association. She is currently serving as Chair of the Survey Research Methods Section of the ASA, and as Chair-Elect of the Government Statistics Section of the ASA.

Jill Headshot
jillmontaquila [at]