Yan Li is a Professor with joint positions in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Public Health. Prof. Li has received numerous grants and contracts, including three sole-source contracts from the National Institutes of Health for her research on health disparities and improving external validity of epidemiologic cohort analyses, and three R03 grants for her work in developing advanced survey analysis methods to study gene-environment interaction on human diseases. Her recent consultation activities with National Cancer Institute (NCI) and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) resulted in multiple papers and software packages to estimate 1) the U.S. asthma prevalence using the NCHS's Research and Development Survey, a probability panel survey with potential selection bias; and 2) the seropositivity prevalence to the SARS-CoV-2 virus antibody among the target population of adults 18+ years old living in the US who had never been diagnosed, using a web quota sample.
Prof. Li has been an effective teacher and mentor to her graduate students. Prof. Li has taught or jointly taught 19 different courses since 2009. Beyond the classroom teaching, Prof. Li has (co-)chaired the dissertation committee of PhD students and served on 13 Ph. D. thesis committees. Prof. Li has also mentored several undergraduate and graduate students from departments outside Survey Methodology and Biostatistics and Epidemiology, including Computer Science and Education, which has resulted in 3 journal publications. She served as the JPSM Director of Graduate Studies 2014-2020; Dean's All S.T.A.R. Review/Selection Committee and on the Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award Committee, University Senate. At the national-level, she was a member in the Design and Analysis Committee for the National Assessment of Educational Progress for the Educational Testing Service and the National Center for Educational Statistics, and on the Program Committee of the Conference on Frontiers of Hierarchical Modeling in Observational Studies, Complex Surveys and Big Data, for which she has also chaired the Student/Young Investigator Travel Award and Paper Selection Committee. She served on the Editorial Board of the prestigious Indian statistical journal Sankhya B. Prof. Li was a member of the ASA Statistical Partnerships Among Academe, Industry, and Government Committee, and the Program Chair for the Survey Research and Methodology Section for the Joint Statistical Meetings.