Dr. Benmei Lui received her PhD in Survey Methodology from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology, at the University of Maryland in 2009.
She has served as a Mathematical/Survey Statistician and Program Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of NIH since 2009. In this role, she serves as the DCCPS survey methods expert, providing statistical consultation and collaboration on sample survey design and analysis to investigators across DCCPS and NCI; initiates, leads, and collaborates on research projects with scientists from NCI and other government agencies or academia/research centers, focusing on translating statistical theories into practical applications; and serves as a Program Director for NIH grants and contracts. Prior to joining NCI, she worked at Westat as a sampling statistician for 8 years. Her primary research areas include small area estimation for cancer-related measures, imputation methods for missing data, joinpoint methods for trend analysis, spatio-temporal modeling for disease mapping, and record-linkage research. She has authored/coauthored more than 55 peer-reviewed research papers and one book chapter.
She has received several NIH Awards of Merit presented at the NCI Director’s Award Ceremony, as well as the 2022 Washington Statistical Society (WSS) Presidents’ Award for outstanding service in leading the Mentoring Committee and related activities. She was also the recipient of the 2008 Edward C. Bryant Scholarship for the Outstanding Graduate Student in Survey Statistics and the 2009 winner of the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) Student Paper Competition. Most recently, she has been elected as WSS President-Elect for 2024-2025. In this role, she presides at Chapter meetings in the absence of the WSS President and assists the WSS President as requested.