Lahiri, Partha
Director, Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM)
Professor, JPSM and Department of Mathematics
Partha Lahiri is a Professor in the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) and in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park and an Adjunct Research Professor of the Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prior to joining the University of Maryland, College Park in 2002, he held an appointment as the Milton Mohr Distinguished Professor of Statistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has served on a number of advisory committees and panels, including the U.S. Census Advisory committee and U.S. National Academy of Sciences panel. Over the years he advised various local and international organizations such as the United Nations Development Program, World Bank, and the Gallup Organization. He has been an associate editor of Survey Methodology and the Journal of the American Statistical Association. He is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute.
COVID-19 Related Papers
Sen, A. and Lahiri, P. (2020), Estimation of mask effectiveness perception for small domains using multiple data sources, unpublished manuscript.
Hirose, M. and Lahiri, P. (2020), Multi-Goal Prior Selection: A Way to Reconcile Bayesian and Classical Approaches for Random Effects Models , Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Ganesh, N. and Lahiri, P. (2008), A new class of average moment matching prior , Biometrika.
Probabilistic Record Linkage
Han, M. and Lahiri, P. (2018), Statistical Analysis with Linked Data , International Statistical Review.
Lahiri, P. and Larsen, M. (2005), Regression analysis with linked data , Journal of the American Statistical Association.
Resampling Methods
Jiang, J, Lahiri, P. and Nguyen, T. (2018),A Unified Monte-Carlo Jackknife for Small Area Estimation after Model Selection , Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications.
Chatterjee, S., Lahiri, P. and Li, H. (2008), On small area prediction interval problems , Annals of Statistics.