JPSM Graduate Student Conference Travel Support
JPSM students traveling to academic conferences may seek funding through JPSM Graduate Student Conference Travel Support.
UMD Goldhaber Travel Grant
These grants are intended to help defray the expenses incurred by UMD graduate students who are traveling to scholarly, scientific, or professional conferences to present papers, posters, or other scholarly material.
ASA Student Paper Contest
The Survey Research Methods, Government Statistics, Social Statistics Sections are pleased to announce a competition for student and post-graduate papers. Approximately five awards will be granted. A subsidy of $800 is provided to each winner.
ASA EC Bryant Scholarship
Westat established the Edward C. Bryant Scholarship Trust Fund in 1995 to honor its cofounder and chair emeritus. Under Bryant's leadership, Westat, an employee-owned statistical firm established in 1961, has grown into what is now one of the world's leading statistical research corporations serving federal, state, and local governments, as well as businesses and foundations.
SRMS Student Travel Award
Application for SRMS Student Travel Awards to attend Joint Statistical Meetings 2016 is now available. Approximately 6 awards will be granted to cover conference expenses up to $800, a one-year student membership in ASA and SRMS, and attendance at one half-day JSM continuing education course of your choosing.
Census Bureau Fellowship
This program seeks to award a limited number of contracts each year to Ph.D. -granting accredited institutions of higher education in the United States to fund the dissertation research of doctoral candidates who propose and investigate solutions to problems on the list of research topics of primary interest to the Census Bureau
NFS Dissertation
The Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) Program is an interdisciplinary program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences that supports the development of innovative, analytical, and statistical methods and models for those sciences.